Hospice Compliance Certificate Program Companion Course (2024 Update)

This program builds on the Hospice Quality Certificate Program and covers the basics of healthcare compliance, including developing a compliance program, compliance risk assessment, compliance policies and procedures, and anonymous reporting. The importance of the Stark law, the Yates memo, anti-kickback statutes, and inducements for referrals and incentives for marketing will also be addressed. It is critical to also look at hospice-specific topics to apply in your program, including conducting an internal audit, looking at organizational ethics related to compliance, and audit scrutiny. This course promises to be just what professionals in hospice compliance are looking for – hospice specific and applicable to the real world. 

This certificate program is a companion to the Hospice Quality Certificate Program. Participants should have completed that certificate program before proceeding with this one. If you would like to retake the 9 modules which are duplicated in both courses, please contact education@nhpco.org to be transferred and pay for the full course.

This is a certificate based program and not a certification.


Compliance Officer (pending), Nurse, Physician, Non-physician Healthcare Professionals

7.00 hours

Learning Outcomes
  • Identify the 27 risk areas for hospices identified by the OIG, along with tools to evaluate a hospice’s compliance
  • List components and structure of an internal compliance audit, complete with topics and identified staff
  • Identify strategies for external auditors, including attorney-client privilege and how to prepare to respond
  • List risks for inducement for referrals and incentives for marketing
  • Identify strategies for attorney-client privilege and how to use it in investigations and audits


Important Message (insert under learning outcomes): This course is designed to provide timely information about the subject matter covered, which may be incomplete. Hospices are responsible for ensuring services are provided in compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws and should consult with their Medicare contractor or other payer before implementing or changing any billing processes or decisions.


Some of this information may be based on one or more federal blanket waivers and other time-limited flexibilities issued by CMS for hospices and other health care providers to use during public health emergencies.  Providers are encouraged to regularly check CMS’s website for up-to-date information on such waivers and flexibilities that may be available to you during public health emergencies.




Subject Matter Expert


Jean Acevedo, LHRM, CPC, CHC, CENTC, AAPC Fellow | Acevedo Consulting

Erin Burns, JD | Husch Blackwell LLP

Judi Lund Person, CHC, MPH | NHPCO

Bryan Nowicki, JD | Husch Blackwell LLP

Meg Pekarske, JD | Husch Blackwell LLP

Christie Piland, RN, BSN | Caris Healthcare

Pam Saucier, RN, BSN, MBA | Guardrails LLC

Sylvia Singleton, CHC, RN | Caris Healthcare Hospice

Emily Solum, JD | Husch Blackwell LLP




Sarah Bal, CAE | National Alliance for Care at Home

Patrick Harrison, JD | National Alliance for Care at Home

Carrie Hoover | National Alliance for Care at Home

Sarah Simmons, CHPN, MSN, RN| National Alliance for Care at Home

Alix Ware, JD | National Alliance for Care at Home


None of the planners or faculty for this educational activity have relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.



CE/CME Credit Hours


In support of improving patient care, the National Alliance for Care at Home (Alliance) is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.


CE/CME Statements


To receive CE/CME credit, each participant must complete each module in sequence; partial CE/CME credit is not available. Each participant must watch all module videos, review the references and resources provided, explore the discussion forums, evaluate the overall course, and request CE/CME before the expiration of their registration.


Available Credit


  • AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM

  • 7 Nurse Contact Hours

  • 7 Interprofessional Continuing Education credits

  • 8.4 Compliance Officer Credit


Joint Accreditation IPCE Credit Statement

This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 7 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change.


CNE Credit Designation Statement

The Alliance designates this enduring material for 7 nursing contact hour(s). Nurses should claim only the contact hours commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.


CME Credit Designation Statement

The Alliance designates this enduring material for 7 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.


Certificate of Participation for Non-physician Healthcare Professionals: For participants* whose disciplines are other those above may request a Certificate of Participation for Non-physician Healthcare Professionals to submit to your accrediting bodies/licensing boards for continuing education credit. This certificate will indicate this activity was certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. It is the responsibility of participants to submit the certificates to their accrediting bodies/licensing boards for approval. Unfortunately, the Alliance cannot guarantee its acceptance. To receive this certificate, you must complete all CE/CME requirements and indicate your desire to receive this certificate on the evaluation form.


2024 Compliance Officer Credit: The Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® has approved this event for up to 7.5 Non-Live CCB CEUs each based on a 50-minute hour, each. Continuing Education Units are awarded based on individual attendance records. Granting of prior approval in no way constitutes endorsement by CCB of this event content or of the event sponsor.

2025 Compliance Officer Credit: This education activity has been submitted to the Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® and is currently pending their review for approval of CCB CEUs.



This course offers CE/CME credit for Compliance Officers, Nurses, Physicians, and a certificate of participation for Non-Physician Healthcare Professionals.  

In order to complete this online activity and obtain CE/CME credit, participants must view the course in its entirety, correctly answer all case studies and quiz/test questions (as appropriate) and complete the evaluation. You will have 90 days to access this course from the date of purchase.




Member Price

Non-Member Price


Additional Info

Release Date
January 1, 2024


Expiration Date
December 31, 2027